Package 'simdata'

Title: Generate Simulated Datasets
Description: Generate simulated datasets from an initial underlying distribution and apply transformations to obtain realistic data. Implements the 'NORTA' (Normal-to-anything) approach from Cario and Nelson (1997) and other data generating mechanisms. Simple network visualization tools are provided to facilitate communicating the simulation setup.
Authors: Michael Kammer [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Michael Kammer <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.4.1
Built: 2025-03-03 05:50:23 UTC

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Helper to apply functions


Used to make use of apply-like operations, regardless of wether the input is a matrix or a data.frame


apply_array(obj, dim, fun)



Matrix or data.frame.


Dimension to apply function to.


Function object to apply.

Create function_list object from list of functions


Create a function_list object from a list of functions. This is useful if such a list is created programmatically.


as_function_list(flist, ...)



List in which each entry is a function object. Can be named or unnamed.


Passed to function_list.


Function with a single input which outputs a data.frame. Has special 'flist' entry in its environment which stores individual functions as list.

See Also


Apply list of functions to column of object


Helper function to simplify workflow with lists of functions.


colapply_functions(obj, flist)



2-dimensional array (matrix or data.frame).


List of functions of length equal to the number of columns of obj. Each entry must be a function applicable to a single column of obj. The i-th entry of flist is applied to the i-th column of obj.


Matrix or data.frame (same type as obj) with names taken from obj.

Check if matrix contains constant column(s)


Check if matrix contains constant column(s)


contains_constant(x, eps = .Machine$double.eps)



Matrix or Data.frame.


Threshold for standard deviation below which a column is considered to be constant.


TRUE if one of the columns has standard deviation of below 'eps“, else FALSE.


Prints a warning if constant is found.

Build correlation matrix


Use to specify correlation matrix in convenient way by giving entries of the upper triangular part.


cor_from_upper(n_var, entries = NULL)



Integer, number of variables (= rows = columns of matrix).


Matrix of correlation entries. Consists of 3 columns (variable_1, variable_2, correlation) that specify both variables and corresponding correlation in the upper triangular part of the matrix (i.e. variable_1 < variable_2) .


Matrix with user supplied entries.

See Also



cor_from_upper(2, rbind(c(1, 2, 0.8)))

Convert correlation matrix to covariance matrix


Rescale correlation matrix by variable standard deviations to yield a covariance matrix.


cor_to_cov(m, sds = NULL)



Symmetric correlation matrix.


Standard deviations of the variables. Set to 1 for all varirables by default.


Symmetric covariance matrix.

Convert correlation matrix to specification used by cor_from_upper


Convert correlation matrix to specification used by cor_from_upper


cor_to_upper(m, remove_below = .Machine$double.eps)



Symmetric correlation matrix.


Threshold for absolute correlation values below which they are removed from the returned matrix. If NULL then no filtering is applied.


Matrix with 3 columns (variable_1, variable_2, correlation), where correlation gives the entry at position (variable_1, variable_2) of the input correlation matrix. Note that variable_1 < variable_2 holds for all entries.

See Also


Post-processing of datamatrix


Applies functions to a matrix or data.frame.


do_processing(x, functions = list())



Matrix or Data.frame.


List of lists, specifying functions to be applied as well as their arguments. See details.


Functions are passed into the post-processor as a named list. The name f of the list entry is the function to be applied via The list entry itself is another named list, specifying the arguments to the function f as named arguments.

The functions must take a matrix or data.frame as first argument and return another matrix or data.frame of the same dimensions as single output.

Examples of post-processing steps are truncation (process_truncate_by_iqr, process_truncate_by_threshold) or centering / standardizing data (via scale, see example section below).

Can be useful to apply on simulated datasets, even outside of the simulation function (e.g. when standardization is only required at the modeling step).


Matrix or data.frame with post-processing applied.


Use with caution - no error checking is done for now so the user has to take care of everything themselves! Furthermore, output of the functions is not checked either.


    functions = list(scale = list(center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)))

Estimate correlation matrix via simulation


Used to obtain an estimate of the correlation matrix after transforming the initial data.


  n_obs = 1e+05,
  cor_type = "pearson",
  seed = NULL,



S3 class object of type simdesign (or inheriting from it).


Number of observations to simulate.


Can be either a character (pearson, spearman, kendall) which is passed to stats::cor or a function, which is directly used to compute the correlation matrix on the simulated data. Such a function is expected to take a single input matrix (and possibly other arguments which can be set via ...) and output a single matrix.


Random number seed. NULL does not change the current seed.


Further arguments are passed to the function that computes the correlation matrix (either stats::cor or the user provided function).


This function is useful to estimate the final correlation of the data after transformation of the initial data. To provide a robust estimate it is advised to use a very large number of observations to compute the correlation matrix.


A numeric matrix given by the pairwise correlation coefficients for each pair of variables defined by obj and computed according to cor_type.

See Also

simulate_data, simdesign

Apply list of functions to input


Apply list of functions to input


function_list(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)



Named or unnamed arguments, each of which is a function taking exactly one input. See details.

stringsAsFactors, check.names

Arguments of data.frame.


This is a convenience function which takes a number of functions and returns another function which applies all of the user specified functions to a new input, and collects the results as list or data.frame. This is useful to e.g. transform columns of a data.frame or check the validity of a matrix during simulations. See the example here and in simulate_data_conditional.

The assumptions for the individual functions are:

  • Each function is expected to take a single input.

  • Each function is expected to output a result consistent with the other functions (i.e. same output length) to ensure that the results can be summarized as a data.frame.


Function with a single input which outputs a data.frame. Has special 'flist' entry in its environment which stores individual functions as list.


This function works fine without naming the input arguments, but the resulting data.frames have empty column names if that is the case. Thus, it is recommended to only pass named function arguments.

See Also

data.frame, get_from_function_list, get_names_from_function_list


f <- function_list(
    v1 = function(x) x[, 1] * 2,
    v2 = function(x) x[, 2] + 10)


# function_list can be used to add new columns
# naming of columns should be handled separately in such cases

f <- function_list(
    function(x) x, # return x as it is
    X1_X2 = function(x) x[, 2] + 10) # add new column


Extract individual functions from function_list


Extract individual function objects from environment of a function_list object.





function_list or function object.


List with named or unnamed entries corresponding to individual function objects that were passed to the function_list object. If flist is a simple function, returns NULL.

See Also


Extract names of individual functions from function_list


Extract names of individual function objects from environment of a function_list object.





function_list or function object.


Names of list corresponding to individual function objects that were passed to the function_list object. If flist is a simple function, returns NULL.

See Also


Check if matrix is collinear


Check if matrix is collinear





Matrix or Data.frame.


TRUE if matrix is collinear, else FALSE.


Prints a warning if collinear.

Check if matrix is a correlation matrix


Checks if matrix is numeric, symmetric, has diagonal elements of one, has only entries in ⁠[-1, 1]⁠, and is positive definite. Prints a warning if a problem was found.


is_cor_matrix(m, tol = 1e-09)





Tolerance for checking diagonal elements.


TRUE if matrix is a correlation matrix, else FALSE.

Find pairwise initial correlation for NORTA from target correlation


This function can be used to find a suitable initial correlation for use in the NORTA procedure for a pair of variables with given marginal distributions and target correlation.


  n_obs = 1e+05,
  seed = NULL,
  tol = 0.01,



Target correlation of variable pair.

dist1, dist2

Marginal distributions of variable pair, given as univariable quantile functions.


Number of observations to be used in the numerical optimization procedure.


Seed for generating standard normal random variables in the numerical optimization procedure.

tol, ...

Further parameters passed to stats::uniroot.


Uses stats::uniroot for actual optimization.


Output of stats::uniroot for the univariable optimization for find the initial correlation.

Find initial correlation matrix for NORTA from target correlation


This function can be used to find a suitable correlation matrix to be used for simulating initial multivariate normal data in a NORTA based simulation design (see simdesign_norta).


  ensure_cor_mat = TRUE,
  conv_norm_type = "O",
  return_diagnostics = FALSE,



Target correlation matrix.


List of functions of marginal distributions for simulated variables. Must have the same length as the specified correlation matrix (cor_target), and the order of the entries must correspond to the variables in the correlation matrix. See simdesign_norta for details of the specification of the marginal distributions.


if TRUE, this function ensures that the optimized matrix is a proper correlation matrix by ensuring positive definitiness. If FALSE, the optimized matrix is returned as is.


Metric to be used to find closest positive definite matrix to optimal matrix, used if ensure_cor_mat is TRUE. Passed to Matrix::nearPD.


TRUE to return additional diagnostics of the optimization procedure, see below.


Additional parameters passed to optimize_cor_for_pair.


This function first finds a suitable correlation matrix for the underlying multivariate normal data used in the NORTA procedure. It does so by solving k*(k-1) univariable optimisation problems (where k is the number of variables). In case the result is not a positive-definite matrix, the nearest positive-definite matrix is found according to the user specified metric using Matrix::nearPD. See e.g. Ghosh and Henderson (2003) for an overview of the procedure.


If return_diagnostics is FALSE, a correlation matrix to be used in the definition of a simdesign_norta object. If TRUE, then a list with two entries: cor_mat containing the correlation matrix, and convergence containing a list of objects returned by the individual optimisation problems from stats::uniroot.


Ghosh, S. and Henderson, S. G. (2003) Behavior of the NORTA method for correlated random vector generation as the dimension increases. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation.

See Also


Define partial function


Partial functions are useful to define marginal distributions based on additional parameters.


partial(f, ...)



Function in two or more parameters.


Parameters to be held fixed for function f.


This helper function stores passed arguments in a list, and stores this list in the environment of the returned function. Thus, it remembers the arguments that should be held fixed, such that the returned partial function now is a function with fewer arguments.


Function object.


marginal <- partial(function(x, meanx) qnorm(x, meanx), meanx = 2)

Visualize fixed correlation structure as a network


Useful to visualize e.g. the associations of the initial multivariate gaussian distribution used by simdesign_mvtnorm.


plot_cor_network(obj, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  categorical_indices = NULL,
  decimals = 2,
  cor_cutoff = 0.1,
  vertex_labels = NULL,
  vertex_label_prefix = "z",
  edge_width_function = function(x) x * 10,
  edge_label_function = function(x) round(x, decimals),
  use_edge_weights = FALSE,
  edge_weight_function = base::identity,
  seed = NULL,
  return_network = FALSE,
  mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
  vertex.size = 12,
  margin = 0,
  asp = 0,
  vertex.color = "#ececec",
  vertex.frame.color = "#979797",
  vertex.label.color = "black",
  edge.color = "ramp",
  edge.label.color = "black",
  edge.label.cex = 0.8,

## S3 method for class 'simdesign_mvtnorm'
plot_cor_network(obj, ...)



Correlation matrix or S3 class object which has a class method available (see below).


Passed to igraph::plot, with a complete list of arguments and details given in igraph.plotting.


Vector of indices of variables which should be drawn as rectangles (i.e. represent categorical data).


Number of decimals, used for default labeling of the network edges.


Threshold of absolute correlation below which nodes are not considered as connected. Useful to control complexity of drawn network. Set to NULL to disable.


Character vector of length nrow(obj) of labels for vertices. If not NULL, overrides the vertex_label_prefix argument. If set to NA omits all or some vertex labels.


String which is added as prefix to node labels.


Function which takes one vector input (absolute correlation values) and outputs transformation of this vector (must be >= 0). Defines edge widths.


Function which takes on vector input (absolute correlation values) and outputs labels for these values as character vector. Defines edges labels. If set to NULL, then no edge labels will be displayed.


Logical, if TRUE then the layout will be influenced by the absolute correlations (i.e. edge weights) such that highly correlated variables will be put closer together. If FALSE, then the layout is independent of the correlation structure.


Function which takes one vector input (absolute correlation values) and outputs transformation of this vector (must be >= 0). Defines edge weights. Only relevant if use_edge_weights is TRUE.


Set random seed to ensure reproducibility of results. Can be fixed to obtain same layout but vary edge widths, correlation functions etc. Can also be used to obtain nicer looking graph layouts.


If TRUE, the igraph network object is returned and can be plotted by the user using e.g. the interactive igraph::tkplot function.


mar argument to the par function to set margins of the plot (often required when the axes should be drawn). A numerical vector of the form c(bottom, left, top, right) which gives the number of lines of margin to be specified on the four sides of the plot. The default is c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1. Note that this is not the same argument as the margin argument for the igraph::plot.igraph function.

vertex.size, margin, asp, vertex.frame.color, vertex.label.color, edge.label.color, edge.label.cex

Arguments to igraph::plot, with sensible defaults for this package's usage.


Argument passed to igraph::plot. Usually a character vector with a hex color specification for vertex color. Alternatively a function that takes as input a data.frame with a column "id" that gives the column number of the simulated data, and outputs a valid color specification for the corresponding vertices (i.e. a single character hex color or a vector of such hex colors of appropriate length).


Argument passed to igraph::plot. This package implements some special functionality: if edge.color = "ramp" then a colorramp from red (-1) via white (0) to blue (1) is mapped to the correlations and the edges colored accordingly. If edge.color = "clipped-ramp" then the ramp is restricted to the correlation values observed, which may be useful if they are low to increase visibility. If edge.color = "red-blue" then all edges with positive correlation values are colored uniformly red, and all edges with negative correlations are colored uniformly blue. Alternatively, may be a function that takes as input the edge correlation values and outputs valid color specifications (i.e. a single hex color or a vector of hex colors of appropriate length).


For an explanation of all parameters not listed here, please refer to igraph::plot.


If return_network is TRUE, then an igraph network object is returned that can be plotted by the user using e.g. the interactive igraph::tkplot function. Otherwise, the network object is plotted directly and no output is returned.

Methods (by class)

  • plot_cor_network(default): Function to be used for correlation matrix.

  • plot_cor_network(simdesign_mvtnorm): Function to be used with simdesign_mvtnorm S3 class object to visualize initial correlation network of the underlying multivariate normal distribution.

See Also

plot_cor_network.simdesign_mvtnorm, plot_estimated_cor_network

Visualize estimated correlation matrix as a network


Based on approximation via simulation specified by given simulation design. Convenience wrapper for combining estimate_final_correlation and plot_cor_network.


  n_obs = 1e+05,
  cor_type = "pearson",
  seed = NULL,
  show_categorical = TRUE,
  return_network = FALSE,



S3 class object of type simdesign (or inheriting from it).


Number of observations to simulate.


Can be either a character (pearson, spearman, kendall) which is passed to stats::cor or a function, which is directly used to compute the correlation matrix on the simulated data. Such a function is expected to take a single input matrix (and possibly other arguments which can be set via ...) and output a single matrix.


Random number seed. NULL does not change the current seed.


If TRUE, marks categorical variables differently from numeric ones. Determined by the types_final slot of the obj argument.


If TRUE, the igraph network object is returned and can be plotted by the user using e.g. the interactive igraph::tkplot function.


Passed to plot_cor_network.


This function is useful to estimate the correlation network of a simulation setup after the initial underlying distribution Z has been transformed to the final dataset X.


If return_network is TRUE, then an igraph network object is returned that can be plotted by the user using e.g. the interactive igraph::tkplot function. Otherwise, the network object is plotted directly and no output is returned.

See Also

plot_cor_network, estimate_final_correlation

Truncate columns of datamatrix at datamatrix specific thresholds


Truncation based on the interquartile range to be applied to a dataset.


process_truncate_by_iqr(x, truncate_multipliers = NA, only_numeric = TRUE)



Matrix or Data.frame.


Vector of truncation parameters. Either a single value which is replicated as necessary or of same dimension as ncol(x). If any vector entry is NA, the corresponding column will not be truncated. If named, then the names must correspond to columnnames in x, and only specified columns will be processed. See details.


If TRUE and if x is a data.frame, then only columns of type numeric will be processed. Otherwise all columns will be processed (e.g. also in the case that x is a matrix).


Truncation is processed as follows:

  1. Compute the 1st and 3rd quartile q1 / q3 of variables in x.

  2. Multiply these quantities by values in truncate_multipliers to obtain L and U. If a value is NA, the corresponding variable is not truncated.

  3. Set any value smaller / larger than L / U to L / U.

Truncation multipliers can be specified in three ways (note that whenever only_numeric is set to TRUE, then only numeric columns are affected):

  • A single numeric - then all columns will be processed in the same way

  • A numeric vector without names - it is assumed that the length can be replicated to the number of columns in x, each column is processed by the corresponding value in the vector

  • A numeric vector with names - length can differ from the columns in x and only the columns for which the names occur in the vector are processed


Matrix or data.frame of same dimensions as input.

Truncate columns of datamatrix at specified thresholds


Truncation based on fixed thresholds to be applied to a dataset. Allows to implement truncation by measures derived from the overall data generating mechanism.


  truncate_lower = NA,
  truncate_upper = NA,
  only_numeric = TRUE



Matrix or Data.frame.

truncate_lower, truncate_upper

Vectors of truncation parameters, i.e. lower and upper tresholds for truncation. Either a single value which is replicated as necessary or of same dimension as ncol(x). If any vector entry is NA, the corresponding column will not be truncated. Truncation at lower and upper thresholds is treated independently. If named, then the names must correspond to columnnames in x, and only specified columns will be processed. See details.


If TRUE and if x is a data.frame, then only columns of type numeric will be processed. Otherwise all columns will be processed (e.g. also in the case that x is a matrix).


Truncation is defined by setting all values below or above the truncation threshold to the truncation threshold.

Truncation parameters can be specified in three ways (note that whenever only_numeric is set to TRUE, then only numeric columns are affected):

  • A single numeric - then all columns will be processed in the same way

  • A numeric vector without names - it is assumed that the length can be replicated to the number of columns in x, each column is processed by the corresponding value in the vector

  • A numeric vector with names - length can differ from the columns in x and only the columns for which the names occur in the vector are processed


Matrix or data.frame of same dimensions as input.

Helper to estimate quantile functions from data for NORTA


Helper to estimate quantile functions from data for NORTA


  method_density = "linear",
  n_density = 200,
  method_quantile = "constant",
  probs_quantile = seq(0, 1, 0.01),
  n_small = 10,
  use_quantile = c(),

  method_density = "linear",
  n_density = 200,

  method_quantile = "constant",
  probs_quantile = seq(0, 1, 0.01)



A matrix or data.frame for which quantile function should be estimated.


Interpolation method used for density based quantile functions, passed to stats::approxfun. See Details.


Number of points at which the density is estimated for density bsed quantile, functions, passed to stats::density.


Interpolation method used for quantile based quantile functions, passed to stats::approxfun. See Details.


Specification of quantiles to be estimated from data for quantile based quantile functions, passed to stats::quantile. See Details.


An integer giving the number of distinct values below which quantile functions are estimated using quantile_function_from_quantiles() (more suited for categorical data), rather than quantile_function_from_density().


A vector of names indicating columns for which the quantile function should be estimated using quantile_function_from_quantiles(). Overrides n_small.


Passed to quantile_function_from_density().


Single vector representing variable input to quantile_function_from_density() or quantile_function_from_quantiles().


The NORTA approach requires the specification of the marginals by quantile functions. This helper estimates those given a dataset automatically and non-parametrically. There are two ways implemented to estimate quantile functions from data.

  1. Estimate the quantile function by interpolating the observed quantiles from the data. This is most useful for categorical data, when the interpolation is using a step-function (default). Implemented in quantile_function_from_quantiles().

  2. Estimate the quantile function via the the empirical cumulative density function derived from the density of the data. Since the density is only estimated at specific points, any values in between are interpolated linearly (default, other options are possible). This is most useful for continuous data. Implemented in quantile_function_from_density().


A named list of functions with length ncol(data) giving the quantile functions of the input data. Each entry is a function returned from stats::approxfun.

See Also


Design specification for simulating datasets


Stores information necessary to simulate and visualize datasets based on underlying distribution Z.


  transform_initial = base::identity,
  n_var_final = -1,
  types_final = NULL,
  names_final = NULL,
  prefix_final = "v",
  process_final = list(),
  name = "Simulation design",
  check_and_infer = TRUE,



Function which generates data from the underlying base distribution. It is assumed it takes the number of simulated observations n_obs as first argument, as all random generation functions in the stats and extraDistr do. Furthermore, it is expected to return a two-dimensional array as output (matrix or data.frame). Alternatively an R object derived from the simdata::simdesign class. See details.


Function which specifies the transformation of the underlying dataset Z to final dataset X. See details.


Integer, number of columns in final datamatrix X. Can be inferred when check_and_infer is TRUE.


Optional vector of length equal to n_var_final (set by the user or inferred) and hence number of columns of final dataset X. Allowed entries are "logical", "factor" and "numeric". Stores the type of the columns of X. If not specified by, inferred if check_and_infer is set to TRUE.


NULL or character vector with variable names for final dataset X. Length needs to equal the number of columns of X. Overrides other naming options. See details.


NULL or prefix attached to variables in final dataset X. Overriden by names_final argument. Set to NULL if no prefixes should be added. See details.


List of lists specifying post-processing functions applied to final datamatrix X before returning it. See do_processing.


Character, optional name of the simulation design.


If TRUE, then the simulation design is tested by simulating 5 observations using simulate_data. If everything works without error, the variables n_var_final and types_final will be inferred from the results if not already set correctly by the user.


Further arguments are directly stored in the list object to be passed to simulate_data.


The simdesign class should be used in the following workflow:

  1. Specify a design template which will be used in subsequent data generating / visualization steps.

  2. Sample / visualize datamatrix following template (possibly multiple times) using simulate_data.

  3. Use sampled datamatrix for simulation study.

For more details on generators and transformations, please see the documentation of simulate_data.

For details on post-processing, please see the documentation of do_processing.


List object with class attribute "simdesign" (S3 class) containing the following entries (if no further information given, entries are directly saved from user input):

⁠entries for further information as passed by the user⁠

Naming of variables

If check_and_infer is set to TRUE, the following procedure determines the names of the variables:

  1. use names_final if specified and of correct length

  2. otherwise, use the names of transform_initial if present and of correct length

  3. otherwise, use prefix_final to prefix the variable number if not NULL

  4. otherwise, use names from dataset as generated by the generator function

Simulation Templates

This class is intended to be used as a template for simulation designs which are based on specific underlying distributions. All such a template needs to define is the generator function and its construction and pass it to this function along with the other arguments. See simdesign_mvtnorm for an example.

See Also

simdesign_mvtnorm, simulate_data, simulate_data_conditional


generator <- function(n) mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = 0)
sim_design <- simdesign(generator)
simulate_data(sim_design, 10, seed = 19)

Uniform disc sampling design specification


Provides 2-dimensional points, spread uniformly over disc, or partial disc segment (i.e. a circle, or ring, or ring segment). Useful for e.g. building up clustering exercises.


  r_min = 0,
  r_max = 1,
  angle_min = 0,
  angle_max = 2 * pi,
  name = "Uniform circle simulation design",



Minimum radius of points.


Maximum radius of points.


Minimum angle of points (between 0 and 2pi).


Maximum angle of points (between 0 and 2pi).


Character, optional name of the simulation design.


Further arguments are passed to the simdesign constructor.


The distribution of points on a disk depends on the radius - the farther out, the more area the points need to cover. Thus, simply sampling two uniform values for radius and angle will not work. See references.


List object with class attribute "simdesign_discunif" (S3 class), inheriting from "simdesign". It contains the same entries as a simdesign object but in addition the following entries:




disc_sampler <- simdesign_discunif()
plot(simulate_data(disc_sampler, 1000, seed = 19))

ring_segment_sampler <- simdesign_discunif(r_min = 0.5, angle_min = 0.5 * pi)
plot(simulate_data(ring_segment_sampler, 1000, seed = 19))

circle_sampler <- simdesign_discunif(r_min = 1)
plot(simulate_data(circle_sampler, 1000, seed = 19))

Multivariate normal design specification


Stores information necessary to simulate and visualize datasets based on underlying distribution multivariate normal distribution Z.


  mean_initial = 0,
  sd_initial = 1,
  is_correlation = TRUE,
  method = "svd",
  name = "Multivariate-normal based simulation design",



Correlation / Covariance matrix of the initial multivariate Normal distribution Z.


Vector of mean values of the initial multivariate Normal distribution Z. Dimension needs to correspond to dimension of relations.


Vector of standard deviations of the initial multivariate Normal distribution Z. Dimension needs to correspond to dimension of relations. Overriden by suqare root of diagonal elements of relations if is_correlation is FALSE.


If TRUE, then relations specifies a correlation matrix (default, this type of specification is usually more natural than specifying a covariance matrix). Otherwise, relations specifies a covariance matrix whose square root diagonal elements override sd_initial.


method argument of mvtnorm::rmvnorm.


Character, optional name of the simulation design.


Further arguments are passed to the simdesign constructor.


This S3 class implements a simulation design based on an underlying multivariate normal distribution by creating a generator function based on mvtnorm::rmvnorm.


List object with class attribute "simdesign_mvtnorm" (S3 class), inheriting from "simdesign". It contains the same entries as a simdesign object but in addition the following entries:


Initial correlation matrix of multivariate normal distribution

Data Generation

Data will be generated by simulate_data using the following procedure:

  1. The underlying data matrix Z is sampled from a multivariate Normal distribution (number of dimensions specified by dimensions of relations).

  2. Z is then transformed into the final dataset X by applying the transform_initial function to Z.

  3. X is post-processed if specified.


Note that relations specifies the correlation / covariance of the underlying Normal data Z and thus does not directly translate into correlations between the variables of the final datamatrix X.

See Also

simdesign, simulate_data, simulate_data_conditional, plot_cor_network.simdesign_mvtnorm

NORTA-based design specification


Stores information necessary to simulate datasets based on the NORTA procedure (Cario and Nelson 1997).


  cor_target_final = NULL,
  cor_initial = NULL,
  dist = list(),
  tol_initial = 0.001,
  n_obs_initial = 10000,
  seed_initial = 1,
  conv_norm_type = "O",
  method = "svd",
  name = "NORTA based simulation design",



Target correlation matrix for simulated datasets. At least one of cor_target_final or cor_initial must be specified.


Correlation matrix for underlying multivariate standard normal distribution on which the final data is based on. At least one of cor_target_final or cor_initial must be specified. If NULL, then cor_initial will be numerically optimized by simulation for the NORTA procedure using cor_target_final.


List of functions of marginal distributions for simulated variables. Must have the same length as the specified correlation matrix (cor_target_final and / or cor_inital), and the order of the entries must correspond to the variables in the correlation matrix. See details for the specification of the marginal distributions.


If cor_initial is numerically optimized, specifies the tolerance for the difference to the target correlation cor_target_final. Parameter passed to optimize_cor_for_pair.


If cor_initial is numerically optimized, specifies the number of draws in simulation during optimization used to estimate correlations. Parameter passed to optimize_cor_for_pair.


Seed used for draws of the initial distribution used during optimization to estimate correlations.


If cor_initial is numerically optimized and found not to be a proper correlation matrix (i.e. not positive-definite), specifies the metric used to find the nearest positive-definite correlation matrix. Parameter passed to Matrix::nearPD (conv.norm.type), see there for details.


method argument of mvtnorm::rmvnorm.


Character, optional name of the simulation design.


Further arguments are passed to the simdesign constructor.


This S3 class implements a simulation design based on the NORmal-To-Anything (NORTA) procedure by Cario and Nelson (1997). See the corresponding NORTA vignette for usage examples how to approximate real datasets.


List object with class attribute "simdesign_norta" (S3 class), inheriting from "simdesign". It contains the same entries as a simdesign object but in addition the following entries:


Initial correlation matrix of multivariate normal distribution


Data Generation

Data will be generated using the following procedure:

  1. An underlying data matrix Z is sampled from a multivariate standard Normal distribution with correlation structure given by cor_initial.

  2. Z is then transformed into a dataset X by applying the functions given in dist to the columns of Z. The resulting dataset X will then have the desired marginal distributions, and approximate the target correlation cor_target_final, if specified.

  3. X is further transformed by the transformation transform_initial (note that this may affect the correlation of the final dataset and is not respected by the optimization procedure), and post-processed if specified.

Marginal distributions

A list of functions dist is used to define the marginal distributions of the variables. Each entry must be a quantile function, i.e. a function that maps ⁠[0, 1]⁠ to the domain of a probability distribution. Each entry must take a single input vector, and return a single numeric vector. Examples for acceptable entries include all standard quantile functions implemented in R (e.g. qnorm, qbinom, ...), user defined functions wrapping these (e.g. ⁠function(x) = qnorm(x, mean = 10, sd = 4)⁠), or empirical quantile functions. The helper function quantile_functions_from_data can be used to automatically estimate empirical quantile functions from a given data to reproduce it using the NORTA approach.See the example in the NORTA vignette of this package for workflow details.

Target correlations

Not every valid correlation matrix (i.e. symmetric, positive-definite matrix with elements in ⁠[-1, 1]⁠ and unity diagonal) for a number of variables is feasible for given desired marginal distributions (see e.g. Ghosh and Henderson 2003). Therefore, if cor_target_final is specified as target correlation, this class optimises cor_initial in such a way, that the final simulated dataset has a correlation which approximates cor_target_final. However, the actual correlation in the end may differ if cor_target_final is infeasible for the given specification, or the NORTA procedure cannot exactly reproduce the target correlation. In general, however, approximations should be acceptable if target correlations and marginal structures are derived from real datasets. See e.g. Ghosh and Henderson 2003 for the motivation why this works.


Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) Modeling and generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation matrix. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Ghosh, S. and Henderson, S. G. (2003) Behavior of the NORTA method for correlated random vector generation as the dimension increases. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation.

See Also

simdesign, simulate_data, simulate_data_conditional, quantile_functions_from_data

Simulate design matrix


Generate simulated dataset based on transformation of an underlying base distribution.


simulate_data(generator, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  generator = function(n) matrix(rnorm(n)),
  n_obs = 1,
  transform_initial = base::identity,
  names_final = NULL,
  prefix_final = NULL,
  process_final = list(),
  seed = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'simdesign'
  n_obs = 1,
  seed = NULL,
  apply_transformation = TRUE,
  apply_processing = TRUE,



Function which generates data from the underlying base distribution. It is assumed it takes the number of simulated observations n_obs as first argument, as all random generation functions in the stats and extraDistr do. Furthermore, it is expected to return a two-dimensional array as output (matrix or data.frame). Alternatively an R object derived from the simdata::simdesign class. See details.


Further arguments passed to generator function.


Number of simulated observations.


Function which specifies the transformation of the underlying dataset Z to final dataset X. See details.


NULL or character vector with variable names for final dataset X. Length needs to equal the number of columns of X. Overrides other naming options. See details.


NULL or prefix attached to variables in final dataset X. Overriden by names_final argument. Set to NULL if no prefixes should be added. See details.


List of lists specifying post-processing functions applied to final datamatrix X before returning it. See do_processing.


Set random seed to ensure reproducibility of results.


This argument can be set to FALSE to override the information stored in the passed simdesign object and not transform and process data. Thus, the raw data from the design generator is returned. This can be useful for debugging purposes.


This argument can be set to FALSE to override the information stored in the passed simdesign object and not transform and process data after the initial data is transformed. This can be useful for debugging purposes.


Data is generated using the following procedure:

  1. An underlying dataset Z is sampled from some distribution. This is done by a call to the generator function.

  2. Z is then transformed into the final dataset X by applying the transform function to Z.

  3. X is post-processed if specified (e.g. truncation to avoid outliers).


Data.frame or matrix with n_obs rows for simulated dataset X.

Methods (by class)

  • simulate_data(default): Function to be used if no simdesign S3 class is used.

  • simulate_data(simdesign): Function to be used with simdesign S3 class.


The generator function which is either passed directly, or via a simdata::simdesign object, is assumed to provide the same interface as the random generation functions in the R stats and extraDistr packages. Specifically, that means it takes the number of observations as first argument. All further arguments can be set via passing them as named argument to this function. It is expected to return a two-dimensional array (matrix or data.frame) for which the number of columns can be determined. Otherwise the check_and_infer step will fail.


Transformations should be applicable to the output of the generator function (i.e. take a data.frame or matrix as input) and output another data.frame or matrix. A convenience function function_list is provided by this package to specify transformations as a list of functions, which take the whole datamatrix Z as single argument and can be used to apply specific transformations to the columns of that matrix. See the documentation for function_list for details.


Post-processing the datamatrix is based on do_processing.

Naming of variables

Variables are named by names_final if not NULL and of correct length. Otherwise, if prefix_final is not NULL, it is used as prefix for variable numbers. Otherwise, variables names remain as returned by the generator function.


This function is best used in conjunction with the simdesign S3 class or any template based upon it, which facilitates further data visualization and conveniently stores information as a template for simulation tasks.

See Also

simdesign, simdesign_mvtnorm, simulate_data_conditional, do_processing


generator <- function(n) mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = 0)
simulate_data(generator, 10, seed = 24)

Simulate data which satisfies certain conditions


Generate simulated dataset based on transformation of an underlying base distribution while checking that certain conditions are met.


  n_obs = 1,
  reject = function(x) TRUE,
  reject_max_iter = 10,
  on_reject = "ignore",
  return_tries = FALSE,
  seed = NULL,



Function which generates data from the underlying base distribution. It is assumend it takes the number of simulated observations n_obs as first argument, as all random generation functions in the stats and extraDistr do. Furthermore, it is expected to return a two-dimensional array as output (matrix or data.frame). See details.


Number of simulated observations.


Function which takes a matrix or data.frame X as single input and outputs TRUE or FALSE. Specifies when a simulated final datamatrix X should be rejected. Functions must output TRUE if condition IS NOT met / FALSE if condition IS met and matrix can be accepted. Intended to be used with function_list. See details.


Integer > 0. In case of rejection, how many times should a new datamatrix be simulated until the conditions in reject are met?


If "stop", an error is returned if after reject_max_iter times no suitable datamatrix X could be found. If "current", the current datamatrix is returned, regardless of the conditions in reject. Otherwise, NULL is returned. In each case a warning is reported.


If TRUE, then the function also outputs the number of tries necessary to find a dataset fulfilling the condition. Useful to record to assess the possible bias of the simulated datasets. See Value.


Set random seed to ensure reproducibility of results. See Note below.


All further parameters are passed to simulate_data.


For details on generating, transforming and post-processing datasets, see simulate_data. This function simulates data conditional on certain requirements that must be met by the final datamatrix X. This checking is conducted on the output of simulate_data (i.e. also includes possible post-processing steps).


Data.frame or matrix with n_obs rows for simulated dataset X if all conditions are met within the iteration limit. Otherwise NULL.

If return_tries is TRUE, then the output is a list with the first entry being the data.frame or matrix as described above, and the second entry (n_tries) giving a numeric with the number of tries necessary to find the returned dataset.

Rejecting Datasets

Examples for restrictions include variance restrictions (e.g. no constant columns which could happen due to extreme transformations of the initial gaussian distribution Z), ensuring a sufficient number of observations in a given class (e.g. certain binary variables should have at least x\ multicollinearity (e.g. X must have full column rank). If reject evaluates to FALSE, the current datamatrix X is rejected. In case of rejection, new datasets can be simulated until the conditions are met or a given maximum iteration limit is hit (reject_max_iter), after which the latest datamatrix is returned or an error is reported.

Rejection Function

The reject function should take a single input (a data.frame or matrix) and output TRUE if the dataset is to be rejected or FALSE if it is to be accepted. This package provides the function_list convenience function which allows to easily create a rejection function which assesses several conditions on the input dataset by simply passing individual test functions to function_list. Such test function templates are found in is_collinear and contains_constant. See the example below.


Seeding the random number generator is tricky in this case. The seed can not be passed to simulate_data but is set before calling it, otherwise the random number generation is the same for each of the tries. This means that the seed used to call this function might not be the seed corresponding to the returned dataset.

See Also

simdesign, simulate_data, function_list, is_collinear, contains_constant


dsgn <- simdesign_mvtnorm(diag(5))
simulate_data_conditional(dsgn, 10,
    reject = function_list(is_collinear, contains_constant), 
    seed = 18)